



A step into the scroll, a dream back to a thousand years.


《清明上河圖》的展覽指南包括「策展理念」(Curatorial Concept)及「出品人寄語」(Organisers’ Message),中英對照。我所關心的是英文部分是否可以對一般英語觀眾表達出中文裏的意思、文本是否清晰,甚至進一步,是否優美。我曾把英文文本傳給我的一位澳洲朋友,他是語文專家。他說這文本較為適合academic audience,對一般觀眾而言,文本不是很readable,而且有些意思也表達得不太清楚。例如在「策展理念」中開始的一段文字:


"Spring Time Along the River" is a rehpository of situated historical knowledge around the cultural, economic and social ecologies of a large metropolis in the 11th century, i.e. Dongjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty that is today Kaifeng city. 


譯者用了a rehpository of situated historical knowledge,似乎在一般文本中,尤其是一些展覽的說明中,這是較為少用的詞語。一般人可能會覺得historical knowledge為何是situated的呢?其實這樣的說法多數只出現在一些學術論文中,因為很多學者覺得某些現象或知識是建基於某些特定的時空,它們需要一個situation,所以應該說situated historical knowledge。但是對普通人來說,大可不必如此深入,我倒覺得用historical knowledge就很好。因為一個篇章中的Tenor極為重要。

根據語言學中Tenor的定義是:Tenor, the interpersonal aspect of the situational context, refers to the roles and relationships of the language users: the writer and reader, or the speaker and listener. These roles and relationships change according to variables such as status, degree of contact, level of expertise etc。簡單來說,Tenor建基於作者與讀者的角色及關係,一個篇章是為特定人物還是一般讀者而寫?情境、目的是什麼?需要正式的還是非正式的語氣?這些因素都是在Tenor的範疇中要考慮的。另外,關於rehpository,不知這字為何拼為rehpository,一般的拼音應該是repository,是手民之誤還是別的歐洲語言是如此拼音?在英文裏可都是用repository。


"Spring Time Along the River" is a repository of historical knowledge around the cultural, economic and social ecologies of Dongjing, which, in the 11th century, was a large metropolis and the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. Today, Dongjing is called Kaifeng.



In the minutiae of its details, progressive values of urban and civic nature are here represented.


在這一句中,譯者用了另一個較不常用的字:minutiae。按照《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》的解釋是very small details,似乎比details更detailed,其實相差不大,所以如果說In the minutiae of its details,那是tautology(贅述)了。可以只用minutiae,不過由於Tenor的問題,我倒覺得只用details就很好。而「當時城市與社會的進步特質」譯為progressive values of urban and civic nature似乎和原意也不盡相同,我提議下列這句,至少令人容易明白。

The details in the painting illustrate the characteristics of progress in the city and society at that time.



Diversity is celebrated both in the monumentality of its environmental scape-natural, man-made, haphazard or "designed"-as well as in the social and occupational multiplicity which characterized the unparalleled prosperity of the Chinese empire during medieval times.

這一句子,無論中英文,可讀性實在不高!尤其是英文,什麼monumentality呀、multiplicity呀,看得人有些頭昏眼花。中文裏說「社會生活的多樣性既體現在……環境景觀方面」,英文裏卻說Diversity is celebrated both in the monumentality,令我看得有點莫名其妙,而且在the monumentality of its environmental scape-natural, man-made, haphazard or “designed”後面是否應該有一個名詞呢?


The diversity of people's urban life is represented vividly in the multi-layered division of labour and in the landscape-both natural or man-made, and meticulously planned or randomly arranged. All of this illustrates the unparalleled prosperity of the Chinese empire during medieval times.
